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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

The requirements related to the use of various services on the site of Sony Electronics of Korea corp.

Service Provider

Company Name : Sony Electronics of Korea corp
Representative : Orimoto Jun
Address : (51338) 76 Jayumuyeok2-gil, Masanhoewon-Gu, Changwon-Si, Gyeongsangnam-Do, #51338, Korea
Tel : 055-250-0311

Chapter.1 General rules Article 1 (Purpose)
  • The purpose of this Agreement is to prescribe the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the official website and users in the use of Internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as the "service") provided by the official website of Sony Electronics of Korea corp. (hereinafter referred to as the "official website") operated by Sony Electronics of Korea corp. (hereinafter referred to as the "company").

Article 2 (Definition)
  • ① The official website refers to a virtual place set up by the company using information and communication facilities such as computers to provide services to users, and it is also used as the meaning of business operator.
  • ② The term "user" means a person who accesses an official website and receives services provided by the official website under this Agreement.
Article 3 (Posting, Effective and Revision of Teams and conditions)
  • ① The official website shall be posted on the initialization page for users to know the contents, company name, representative, location of the business place (the address of the place where consumer complaints can be handled), phone/fax numbers, e-mail address, business registration number, and personal information management manager. However, the contents of the terms and conditions can be displayed on the connected information.
  • ② This agreement may be amended to the extent that it does not violate relevant laws, such as the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Electronic Signature, the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.
  • ③ If the company changes these terms and conditions against you, it will notify you with a grace period of at least 30 days. In this case, the official website clearly compares the contents before and after the revision to make it easier for users to understand.
  • ④ If the company amends the terms and conditions, the amended terms and conditions shall apply only to contracts and service after the date of application, and the terms and conditions before the amendment shall apply to the use of contracts and services already concluded. However, if they agree to the terms and conditions before the amendment and continue to use the service under the amended terms without any objection, he/she shall agree to the application of the amended terms and conditions.
  • ⑤ Matters and interpretations not specified in this Agreement shall be governed by the related laws or practices, such as regulation of the Terms and Conditions.

Chapter.2 Providing Service Article 4 (Providing Service)
  • ① The official website carries out the following.
  • A. Introduce the company's management activities, such as Company introduction and social contribution activities
    B. Providing product information
    C. Other tasks determined by the official website, such as event information
  • ② If the contents of the service to be provided by the official website are changed due to technical specification changes, the reason shall be immediately notified to the user or notified on the official website at the address available to the user.
Article 5 (Discontinuation of Services)
  • ① The official website may stop the provision of the service in the event of an accident such as repair, inspection, replacement, breakdown, etc. of information and communication facilities such as computers.
  • ② In the event that the service is unable to be provided due to the conversion of business items, abandonment of the business, integration between businesses, etc., the official website may notify the users or notify them on the official website by the method prescribed in Article 10 and suspend the service. However, if there is an urgent or serious reason, the service may be suspended without prior notice.
Article 6 (Notifications to users)
  • ① If the user is notified, the user shall use the email address specified on the official website.
  • ② Notification of unspecified users may be substituted for individual notification by posting it on the official website screen for more than one week. However, individual notice shall be given on matters that have a significant impact on the user's own transactions
Chapter.3 Protection of personal information Article 7 (Collection of Personal Information)
  • ① In principle, the official website does not collect users' personal information. If you collect personal information separately, display the personal information items that you collect.
  • ② When the official website collects personal information that can be personally identified, the agreement of the user must be obtained.
  • ③ The official website shall specify or notify in advance the matters prescribed by the law on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, such as the identity of the person in charge of personal information management (affiliated, name, telephone number or other contact information), purpose of collection and use of information, information provision to third parties (providers, purpose of provision, and contents of information to be provided), and the user may withdraw the agreement at any time.
  • ④ Users agree with this Agreement and the Privacy Policy on the official website and are deemed to have agreed to the request for the collection of personal information
Article 8 (Purpose of collecting personal information and providing to third parties)
  • ① The official website collects personal information for the purpose of establishing contracts for service provision, implementing services, providing Sony news and event information
  • ② The personal information provided shall not be used for any purpose other than the user's consent or provided to a third party, and all responsibilities shall be placed on the official website. Exceptions are made in the following cases
  • A. To inform the delivery company with the minimum user information (name, address, phone number) required for the delivery service
    B. Provide in a form that does not identify a specific individual when necessary for statistical preparation, academic research, or market research.
    C. When identification is required to prevent identity theft
    D. When there is an unavoidable cause necessary by regulation or law
Article 9 (Users' Rights of Personal Information)
  • Users can always view, correct, or request deletion of their personal information, and the official website shall take necessary measures upon receipt of the request from the user If the user requests an error correction, the personal information shall not be used until the error correction is made
Article 10 (Management Officer of Personal Information, etc)
  • ① The official website minimizes the number of managers for personal information protection and is responsible for damages caused by loss, theft, leakage, and tampering of users' personal information, including credit cards and bank accounts.
  • ② The official website or the third parties who have received personal information from him/her shall destroy the personal information without delay if the purpose of personal information collection or the purpose provided is fulfilled.
  • ③ For more information on privacy on the official website, please refer to the official website privacy policy. Please ask the person in charge of personal information management and the person in charge for any questions related to personal information.
Chapter.4 Official Website and User's Duty Article 11 (Obligations of Official Websites)
  • ① The Official Website shall not engage in laws prohibited or opposed by statutes and these Terms and Conditions and shall do its best to provide goods in a sustained and stable manner as prescribed by these Terms.
  • ② The official website should be equipped with a security system to protect users' personal information (including credit information) so that users can safely use Internet services.
  • ③ The official website does not send commercial e-mail that the user does not agree to receive.
Article 12 (User's Duty)
  • The user shall not perform the following actions
  • ① Theft of other people's information
  • ② Changes information posted on official websites
  • ③ Send or post information (computer programs, etc.) other than those set by the official website
  • ④ Infringement of intellectual property rights, such as official websites and copyrights of third parties
  • ⑤ A law of defaming or obstructing official websites and third parties
  • ⑥ The law of disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, voice and information contrary to public order on official websites
Chapter.5 Others Article 13 (Security Policies)
  • The official website uses a secure 128-bit encryption algorithm (internationally recognized Thawte's SSL algorithm) for the security of user information.
Article 14 (Relationship between connection site and connected site)
  • ① If a parent site and a child site are linked by hyperlink (the target of the hyperlink includes letters, pictures, and videos), the former is called the connection site and the latter is called the connected site.
  • ② The connection site shall not be liable for the transaction provided independently by the connected site, unless it is stated on the initial screen of the connected site or on the pop-up screen at the point of connection, which means that the connection site is not liable for the transaction with the users.
Article 15 (Limitation and Imposition of Copyright)
  • ① Copyrights and other intellectual property rights to works created by the official website belong to the official website. However, copyrights may be attributed to other copyright holders for works used in music, broadcasting, and movie theater programs. The user shall not engage in any law of infringing upon such copyrights.
  • ② The user shall not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or allow a third party to use the information obtained from the official website or other copyright holders without prior consent from the official website.
Article 16 (Dispute Resolution)
  • Complaints and comments submitted by users of the official website shall be dealt firstly. However, if it is difficult to process promptly, the user will be notified of the reason and the processing schedule immediately.
Article 17 (The competent court and the law of compliance)
  • ① A lawsuit that has a dispute between the official website and the user shall be subject to the user's address at the time of the complaint, and if there is no address, it shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the local court in charge of the lawsuit. However, if the user's address or residence is not clear at the time of filing a complaint, or in the case of a foreign resident, it shall be filed with the competent court under the Civil Procedure law.
  • ② Korean law applies to lawsuits filed between official websites and users.
  • ※ Copyright to this Agreement belongs to Sony Electronics of Korea corp. and prohibits unauthorized copying, distribution, transmission or other copyright infringement.
  • ※ This Agreement shall apply from 1st. April. 2016.